
Cybersecurity Awareness

Cybersecurity Awareness

Are Your Team
Cybersecurity Aware?

Knowledge is one of the most powerful tools to protect your business against cyber threats like malware, phishing and data breaches. By providing your team members with professional cybersecurity awareness training, you ensure they have the knowledge they need to keep your network secure.

Our team can provide training, guidance and advice about a variety of cybersecurity techniques, technologies and best practices. By combining our training with our managed cyber-defence services, you give your business and your team the best chance of withstanding a cyber-attack.

Cybersecurity Awareness

Are Your Team Cybersecurity Aware?

Knowledge is one of the most powerful tools to protect your business against cyber threats like malware, phishing and data breaches. By providing your team members with professional cybersecurity awareness training, you ensure they have the knowledge they need to keep your network secure.

Our team can provide training, guidance and advice about a variety of cybersecurity techniques, technologies and best practices. By combining our training with our managed cyber-defence services, you give your business and your team the best chance of withstanding a cyber-attack.

Why Choose Us?

What Can We Teach Your Team
About Cybersecurity?

Why Choose Us?

What Can We Teach Your Team About Cybersecurity?

Phishing Email Detection

Phishing emails will look real but are designed to trick your team members into handing over sensitive information. With a combination of training and simulated phishing attacks, your team will quickly learn how spot phishing emails.

Password Policies

Strong passwords are a great first line of defence against hackers. Unfortunately, most aren’t up to scratch. We can teach your team about password policies, and how to use a password manager to generate and store ultra-secure passwords.

Cybersecurity Awareness

There are a variety of threats that your business will face from malicious actors online. Our professional cybersecurity awareness training covers the most dangerous security threats and some of our tried and tested best practices to defend against them.

Our Services

Ready To Level Up Your Team’s Cybersecurity Knowledge?

Carden IT Services’ cybersecurity awareness training can increase your team’s knowledge. Helping them identify and avoid cyber threats in their day-to-day work. If you’re ready to book your first training session or would like to learn more, speak to our team today.

Why Is It Important?

Why You Need Cybersecurity Training

Protect Your Business

Protecting yourself from cyber-attacks can’t just be a top-down process, you need all of your team to be engaged with your security and understand why it’s important. If you hand down new rules but don’t explain why they’re necessary, your team members will be less likely to follow them. If everyone is aware of the threats you face, they can be more vigilant.

Reduce Liability

Many businesses take out cybersecurity insurance to cover themselves against potential losses following a hack or data breach. But did you know that many insurance providers will offer you a lower premium if you can prove you are taking proactive steps to secure your business. This doesn’t just mean firewalls and antivirus; it means training your team too!