Client Info
Love Local Jobs are a jobs board based in Brighton. Their mission is to provide applicants with the best local job opportunities. Their service is free and is an excellent resource for job seekers to browse listings from employers across the South East.
- Client: Love Local Jobs
- Category: IT Support, Cloud Computing, Managed IT Services
- Website: lovelocaljobs.com
Client Info
What Services Do We Provide?
Carden IT Services have been providing Love Local Jobs with managed IT support since 2018.
When we first started working with Love Local Jobs, we were taking over from their previous IT provider. As we always do when we take on a new client, we made sure to carry out a complete audit of their network, down to each individual machine and piece of software.
One of Love Local Jobs’ main concerns was the amount of stress that IT (or more specifically IT problems) were causing them every day. Our aim was to turn their IT into something that passively supported their work rather than something which they needed to actively manage on a daily basis. For this reason, it was decided between us and Love Local Jobs that a fully managed IT service was the best choice for their business.
One of our first tasks was to consolidate all their existing, out of date, physical servers into a single, virtualised server. This increased their efficiency, while also reducing the floor space and energy costs that their previous servers required.
We also took the time to learn everything we could about their business, how they used technology, what tech challenges they faced, and what goals they had for their business IT.
We used that knowledge to build them a custom IT support plan which addressed existing problem areas and worked to increase their efficiency, improve their security and help them better serve their clients.
How Do We Support Their IT?
We provide Love Local Jobs with a comprehensive and proactive IT support package. This includes taking care of every element of their technology stack, from individual user devices – to the network level – all the way up to their integrated cloud services. Having oversight of their entire infrastructure means that Carden IT Services can track any issues from the moment they are discovered all the way to their resolution, never needing to hand over to another provider’s support team.
This approach simplifies IT support for Love Local Jobs too, as they no longer need to be passed back and forth between different providers’ helpdesks. Just one call to us and we get it sorted!
In addition to our expert remote IT support, Lovel Local Jobs also regularly purchase a package of on-site hours. These are hours that can be used ad-hoc for IT tasks which require an engineer.
Using these pre-paid hours, our engineers travel to Love Local Jobs’ premises twice a month to perform tune ups on their machines, troubleshoot any issues that couldn’t be resolved remotely, discuss technology questions with the team, install new hardware (when required) and provide training on new software.
"The team at Carden IT Services are very professional and have a very quick response rate. The service we have received is second to none and the team will always go above and beyond to support us. We would highly recommend Carden IT Services to any businesses looking for great IT support"
Love Local Jobs