logos of padlocks hovering over hands using a laptop

How Carden IT Is Improving Our Clients’ Cybersecurity in 2022 and Beyond

When it comes to cybersecurity, everyone has their own definition of what ‘secure’ means. For the average person, if they’ve swapped the letter I for the number one in their password, they’re ‘secure’. On the other hand, there are those who take an almost paranoid view of security, never trusting any system to be secure.

The important thing to consider when addressing security concerns within your business is what level of security will give you peace of mind, while also not being disruptive enough to start cutting into your organisation’s efficiency.

skull graphic demonstrating how ransomware spreads

How Does Ransomware Spread & How To Prevent It

Ransomware is the number one cybersecurity concern for modern businesses. Falling victim to ransomware can render your machines and network unusable and could result in your business or customer data being leaked online. These consequences can cause damage to your profitability and your reputation. In this article, we’re going to look at the risks of ransomware, how ransomware spreads and how Carden IT Services can help to protect you.

computer performing virus scan

Vulnerability Scanning – What It Is & Why You Need It

Vulnerability scanning uses software to scan for vulnerabilities in a computer and networks. Many applications have critical security flaws in them which can leave your entire network at risk. Before, they were addressed by security patches, recent vulnerabilities in Zoom have allowed hackers to remotely control user’s PCs and flaws in Adobe Reader’s code allowed malicious code to be executed on Windows user’s machines.