
Data Backup

Disaster Recovery Service (DRAAS)

How long could your business survive without access to its data? If your answer is “it couldn’t!” then you need to make sure you have a satisfactory Disaster Recovery Service in place. While it is almost impossible to predict when a disaster may occur or what form it will take, it is very easy to prepare for – especially if you have a comprehensive Disaster Recovery Service as a part of your business’ continuity plan.

Utilising the advanced features of Veeam’s cloud services, Carden IT can provide you with a cloud back up of your on-premises server.

Your server is continuously replicated to the cloud so that it can be recovered should the unforeseen occur. In the event of a disaster (such as fire, flooding, power outage, burglary) a cloud hosted replica of your server can be restored and accessed via a VPN, allowing you to get your business up and running in as short a time as possible.

Do you lack confidence in your backup and disaster recovery processes?

Contact us today and prevent simple data losses from turning into a data disaster.

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